I have seen the word Bold on a variety of marketing and branding this week. I wonder if the word is just something I am thinking about or something more people are using to identify themselves or their products. As I perused the online dictionaries It made me curious.
BOLD - Definition of bold by dictionary.com
“adjective, bold·er, bold·est.
not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent: He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor.
necessitating courage and daring; challenging: a bold adventure.”
As I explored etymology and timelines for when the world was most used and least used it made it clear that this old word was on a comeback. The root of the word bold comes from the Germanic language and has evolved through Olde English, to our current day definitions. Maybe, then it is no surprise that it is making a comeback as it refers to courage and daring, common words in our daily conversations. Rulebreaking, getting unhooked from propriety. Being forward-thinking. Definitely, words associated with the World of Learning!
As I have talked with WOL teachers throughout the past month I have been impressed and humbled by how BOLD they are. Most have stepped out of their comfort zone to work in the virtual setting (courage). Sometimes to take care of family, other times to pursue their passions. No matter the reason - teaching in a virtual environment takes a whole other set of skills (breaking the rules of propriety). Often, virtual learning is derided as being less rigorous or disconnected, our students and teachers are anything but! They work hard, complete assignments, and meet in live sessions (challenging). Our teachers have stepped up to help others when they can’t find a teacher (heroes). They also work against the odds when the kids are struggling (because they miss the teacher on leave or have other struggles ((daring) (compassionate) (uncompromisingly learner-centered)).
Bold seems to sum up the World of Learning and its people perfectly. As a team Lauren, Olivia and Anita spare no effort to support and challenge each other and the people we work with. They stepped out of their own comfort zones to work in a virtual environment. Together, we have created an environment where people take risks to get better, to speak in a language that is new to them, to be open to understanding others and other cultures. It is the world I want to live in.
We are Here to Help
If you need help and would like to be a part of our Bold, Kind, Courageous, World of Learning, we are starting to schedule for the 2022 School Year. And, in a time when it is hard to find teachers, we can be a great option. We don’t want to replace the teacher you have - but if you can’t find a teacher - we are the next best thing.
If you want more information you can reach out to me at pmulroy@worldoflearninginstitute.com