Greetings WOL Friends,
In this season of gratitude, I wanted to let you know just how much I appreciate the work you do, and the work of our WOL Institute staff. The idea of gratitude is so important to me because it helps me to see the best in people and situations that otherwise might make us lose hope.
We have been to quite a few conferences and look forward to sharing all that we learned in the coming weeks!
Places we have been:
ACTFL in Boston - Lauren and Olivia had the opportunity to present and meet many of our folks who teach our students.
PASCD in Hershey - Erin and I got to listen to and connect with some awesome educators like Allison Zmuda, Craig Martin and Krista Leh, and Allison Rodman. We will be hearing more from them in the coming weeks right here - at We Do This Every day!
AESA - Olivia and Lauren joined the IU8 team to see what other IU’s and Service Agencies are doing to help support their districts.
As we enter this season of darkness (it’s dark where I live by 4:30 pm ET) there are times when we can feel overwhelmed. And, we have teacher shortages, our kids are wondering what this world will look like for them, and the news cycle reinforces our collective anxiety. Yet, I see so much hope as I talk with you, with our colleagues, and with the children.
I am so proud of our WOL team. Our folks are on the front line, working with your students. They are thoughtful and hard-working. They stretch themselves to learn and try new things to make their students learning experiences meaningful. I truly believe this is where hope resides. These relationships are generative. They are happening in real-time across the ether of the internet, two-dimensional, but face-to-face, nonetheless.
I am also grateful to Dr. Tom Butler, Janel Vancas, Lisa Lieb, Jason McMillan, Karlie Travis, Joyce Killian, and Kristy Townsend. All working behind the scenes to help make the World of Learning Institute possible.
In a time when we think we need to go it alone, I want to remind you that you too, probably have a team that is there to support you. Support your students, your families, and your team.
I am so thankful for ours. Our whole team is dedicated to rich, meaningful learning experiences and supporting each other. Lauren, dreams of how our amazing recourses can not only be engaging, but also easy to access. Olivia, dreams of courses that are accessible, and Erin dreams of seeing all students have the sciences they need to live in this world. None of us go it alone.
In this season of gratitude know that we appreciate you, too. Allowing us to come into your schools and classrooms. Sharing your most precious gifts, you students.
May you have much to be thankful for in this season of gratitude and hope.