Happy New Year!! WOL Wondering #13 🌎
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Authentic, Relevant and Engaging Virtual World Language Instruction - Inspiring Kindness through Language, Learning, and Culture
Every semester we send out a survey to students. The feedback for the all of the years (8) that we have done this has been very positive. So as I pondered how to start this new year I thought - what better way than to acknowledge the work that our Teachers and Virtual Learning Specialist do every day.
Especially today, teachers are at the center of a difficult time. The media highlighting that students are behind from COVID closures, difficult decisions about remote learning and masking. Teachers worrying about their own children and families. It has never been more important to thank and honor the work of teachers (and administrators). Knowing the difference that school folks make in the lives of children requires all of us to help make our teachers’ showing up less difficult, less filled with stress and anxiety. For us that means holding office hours, being available for a quick chat, and providing the resources teachers need to feel prepared. It might not sound like a lot, but just being available to listen - is sometimes all our folks need. A pat on the back for a job well done also goes a long way.

What do you see in this Wordle??
I see us creating the best learner experience! People who are UNDERSTANDING, Kind, positive, nice, enjoy, fun, work, clear! It
What does this look like in our virtual classrooms? Engaged students, interactions with classmates and peers, supporting students with authentic experiences that help them to expand their ability and confidence. The communication is fluid, too. Learners’ are able to make mistakes and get right back in it! They are enjoying learning - ONLINE!
Here is the context of a few of the quotes:
She lets us show part of our personality, which I like.
My teacher i[s] very funny and makes learning interesting.
She has always replied to me quickly.
She has really interactive things to do in class, which helps learn a language despite being online.
The teacher always makes an effort to make sure we understand the material which we are learning.
The transition between in-school learning and online learning has been made smoothly thanks to our understanding instructor and technology that works how it is intended [to do so].
I think that I have learned more this year alone than in my other 2 years of spanish and I can remember it more.
I like that she gives me extra time to work on things if i get really busy.
I feel like my instructor is always on track and helps us when we are stuck on something.
We LOVE What We Do!
Creating a learning environment that allows students to be comfortable to take the risk to try speaking and reading in a new language. Working with big ideas and concepts so students can use language as a window to other places as well as learning how to learn. Asking questions, figuring out who our students are - so we can connect what interests them to what will help them learn a language. And finally, giving them opportunites to demonstrate what they know in ways that last - so years from now they will say - I learned that in my ‘Language’ class.
What is going well in your school? Who are you bragging about this week?

Get a Hands On Learning Experience with WOL
Excitement and Relevance
As we see students get excited about learning about new languages and cultures we are hopeful that future generations will have opportunites to learn in the wider world - regardless of where they live.
When students have opportunites to understand other langauges and cultures their options for a variety of jobs - with the military, in business, and health care expand. Here are a few other reasons that learing a language makes students world ready.
Here’s a tip from our awesome VSL - Olivia!

If you know someone that might want to expand their World Language program or needs help finding a teacher for a World Language, Calculus or Chemistry please share this email with them.
We offer Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, ASL, Elementary Spanish and MS Exploratory Courses, in addition to Spanish, French, German and Latin. Also, Calc and Chemistry! It seems crazy, but are you thinking about you 2022-23 schedule, yet??
Contact me to get more information. pmulroy@worldoflearninginstitute.com
Best to you in 2022,
Pat and the Team at World of Learning
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