WOL Weekly Wondering #3 🌎
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Authentic, Relevant and Engaging Virtual World Language Instruction - Inspiring Kindness through Language, Learning, and Culture
We love what we do at the World of Learning Institute and adding great Virtual Learning Facilitators to our team is always so exciting. We are happy to have Melanie Madigow (Arabic), Lucy Thiboutot (Arabic and French) and Vivi Warner (Chinese) join us.
Throughout our summer learning we support our new and experienced facilitators as they get courses updated, engage with new information, apply new ideas to lessons and encourage collaboration with us and their peers. As we get ready for the 2021 - 22 School Year we are excited to help these new facilitators learn from our seasoned team - working to create engaging live session, slides, and activities that support getting learning speaking.
We offer Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Elementary Spanish and MS Exploratory Courses. It is TIME to think about languages for your school next year - contact Pat to get your students scheduled. pmulroy@worldoflearninginstitute.com
Check out how we make our live sessions engaging in this behind the scenes video! Anita and Olivia support our teachers, and work with them to create great live lessons. The live sessions are the key to student success. We love seeing student so eager to participate. What has worked for you and your teachers in live sessions this year??
Our colleague at IU8, Tracy Rains, recently posted a great short blog about appreciating teachers every day.
It is right on point. What will you and your team use and what will you let go of after a year of so much learning and growth during the pandemic?
Way to go teachers! Way to go Tracy!
And THANKS to all of YOU for the work you have done to feed kids, juggle schedules, support your communities, and support you teachers and staff.
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